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All Purpose Cleaner 25 Ltr

Exceptional solvency power on soiled & oily matter with good foaming qualities . It is free from hydrocarbon solvent , bio-degradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel while handling materials . Can be used for all types of cleaning and degre

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RXSOL-12-1501-025 : is a superior & powerful alkaline buffer cleaner containing corrosion inhibitors toprevent the corrosion of metals . It is a low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soiled & oily matter with good foaming qualities . It is free from hydrocarbon solvent , bio-degradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel while handling materials . Can be used for all types of cleaning and degreasing and may be applied by brush , handspray , high and low pressure washing machines etc. Leave surface residue free.

RXSOL-12-1501-025 is a superior & powerful alkaline cleaner containing corrosion inhibitors to prevents the corrosion of metals.It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power on soil & oily matter & having good foaming qualities.It is free from Hydrocarbon solvents,Biodegradable and minimizes the extreme hazards to personnel in handling materials Applications RXSOL-12-1501-025 Suitable for cleaning engine components like fuel and Lube oil filters,Injection nozzles, pump components, inlet and exhaust valves & primarily refers to cleaning of hard surfaces,such as Decks,Tanks,Engine-rooms,etc.can be used for all types of cleaning and degreasing and may be applied by brush,handspray,high and low pressure washing machines etc.Directions for Use and Dose Rates General Cleaning

RXSOL-12-1501-025 can be used for all types of cleaning & degreasing & may be applied by Brush, Hand spray, high and low pressure washing machines etc.Time necessary for cleaning depends on the nature and thickness of the deposits.20-30 min.will suffice for most applications.Hardened,carbonised or aged deposits may require up to 4 hours. If the cleaning solution is not heavily contaminated, it may be re-used at a later stage.If allowed to cool,the degassing procedure must be repeated. Depending on degree of contaminatio

RXSOL-12-1501-025 should be mixed with warm water at a rate of 50-200 ml per 10 litres.i.e.1cup of RXSOL-12-1501-025 to a bucket of water. RXSOL-12-1501-025 solution can be applied simply by mops, brushes or rags,or by dipping the soiled articles into the Rx RXSOL-15-1501-tech  solution. After cleaning, rinse off with cold or warm water. Due to high foaming properties, RXSOL-12-1501-025 is not recommended for washing machines. Tank Cleaning Cargo tank cleaning to remove residues of Mineral, Animal, Vegetable or Fish oil, Waxes & Soot from inert gas systems.

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