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Antifoam 25 Ltr

Mechanism of foam breakage by a defoamer. This inolves spreading of an water-insoluble surfacatant on the bubble surfaces.

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Mechanism of foam breakage by a defoamer. This inolves spreading of an water-insoluble surfacatant on the bubble surfaces.

RXSOL-16-2066-025 is  antifoam emulsion and its more concentrated antifoam emulsion. It has excellent candidates for controlling foam in amine and glycol dehydration units. This is suitable products for gas plants and have  excellent stability in the presence of salts, resulting in reduced deposits on the plant’s equipment. RXSOL-16-2066-025  help preserve foam control under the severe conditions of a dehydrating unit. These conditions can remove water from other antifoam emulsions, rendering them immediately inactive.

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