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Concertina Barbed Wire

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Concertina Barbed Wire

Concertina Barbed Wire

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single wire high density  Barbed wire
hickness of main wire                                              : 3.05mm+/-0.05mm         

Thickness of Barbed wire                                          : 2.03mm+/-0.05mm

Points                                                                            : 4 Points

Length of points                                                           : 15mm+/- 1mm

Main wire, Galvanized coating weight                      : 140 – 180 grams par m2

Barbed wire, Galvanized coating wt                          : 30 – 50 grams par m2

Main wire, tensile strenght                                          : 140kgs/m2  density

Barbed wire, tensile stranght                                     :  30 – 50kgs/m2 density

Distance batween barbs ( pointes)                           : 64mm+/- 3mm

Length of main wire                                                       : Approx.  640 feet

Length of  Roll,  when unrolled                                   :  17 meters

Weight of roll                                                                   : about 20 kgs +/ – 1kg

Diameter of roll                                                               : 1mtr + / – 10 cm
 Number of spiral turn                                                    :  70 turns in each roll                          

 Each roll has  handle                                                    :

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