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Condenser Coil Cleaner

It is a specially engineered condenser coil cleaner and brightener. this product is recommended for use in hotels, commercial complexes, hospitals, shipyards and any air-conditioning workshops or establishments that services air conditioning systems.

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Condensor Coil Cleaner remove built-up grease, dirt and oxidation from finned coils, cleaning in one step. RXSOL-50-5015-025 is a special blend of effective ingredients designed to penetrate deepely in dirt area. Evaporator Coil Cleaner DOES NOT CONTAIN ACID.

It is a specially engineered condenser coil cleaner and brightener have safe bioderadable non-acidic formula. this product is recommended for use in hotels, commercial complexes, hospitals, shipyards, Heavy Industries and it can be used indoors making it highly suitable for cleaning refrigeration units in shopping malls, food shops, supermarkets, butchers and wet fish shops.  and any air-conditioning workshops or establishments that services air conditioning systems. 

Evaporator Coil Cleaner   RXSOL-51-6004-025 ( Removes dirt and greasy from evaporator coils )
Coil Brite Rx Yellow          RXSOL-16-1680-005  ( For Oxide and dirt removal )
Air Cooler Cleaner            RXSOL-16-0009-025 ( For cleaning of greasy materials )


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