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Degreaser Antibacterial

It is an extermely efficeient antibacterial degreaser, ideal for heavy duty cleaning.

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Degreaser Antibacterial  is an extremely efficient antibacterial cleaner degreaser, ideal for heavy duty degreasing. Its powerful cleaning agents begin to work immediately by suspending, emulsifying and floating away ink, soot, carbon, grease, wax, soil, dirt, oil, black streaks and stains of all type on all washable surfaces without damaging the finish! For industrial or residential cleaning task, interior or exterior. Immediate and unbelievable results on all type of  indoor  or  outdoor  finish  (brick,  aluminium,

PVC, vinyl, glass fibre, marble, melamine), concrete pave, pool, spa, hardwood or laminate floor, all type of fabric covering (armchair, chair), kitchen  appliance, range  hood, floor covering  (linoleum, ceramic  tiles,  carpeting), electronic  filter, sporting

good, all type of vehicles (car, truck, motor home, boat, ATV, snowmobile), heavy machinery, motor, machine parts, tires, mag wheels, spoke wheels, and car interior. It  can  also  be  use  as  drains  and  pipes  disinfectant, stain  remover  and  washing

softener. The only cleaner you need for any cleaning works!

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