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Degreaser Citrus Deodorizer ( Cleaner cum Bad odour controller )

Excellent choice for degreasing/deodorizing to be used in cleaning plants, for industrial waste, garbage disposal areas, kennels, stables, septic tanks and on dead animals, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and any cafeteria where they have a grease trap. It is used to control grease and odor in gr

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Due to its combined degreasing/deodorizing ability makes it an excellent choice for maintaining drains, grease traps, and other sewer/septic applications as well as for treating dumpsters, trash receptables, sewer plants, garbage trucks, and more.
To be used in cleaning plants, for industrial waste, garbage disposal areas, kennels, stables, septic tanks and on dead animals, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and any cafeteria where they have a grease trap. It is used to control grease and odor in grease traps, sewer lines and waste treatment plants. It is an excellent general purpose, heavy duty industrial degreaser and tar and asphalt remover for shops, maintenance, and plant applications. 

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