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Demineralised Water

Extremely high quality. It is produced by means specialist piece of equipment to produce it called a demineralisation plant or a deionisation plant. After completion of chemical treatment .

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Extremely high quality. It is produced by means specialist piece of equipment to produce it called a demineralisation plant or a deionisation plant. After completion of chemical treatment .

The incoming water passes over a series of SPECIALIZED RESIN BEADS which remove mineral ions and other impurities from the water. This is why Demineralised Water is also known as Deionised Water; the process removes minerals and ions leaving water which is de-mineralised or de-ionised. Demineralised Water is also known as Demin Water, DI Water and DIW.

Demineralised Water –
Conductivity : < 10.0 Micromohms/cm.
TDS : 3 – 4 PPM,
Hardness – Nil ,
Chloride – Nil,
Total Alkalinity : 5- 6 PPM

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