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This special formulation of solvents is designed to dissolve and emulsify oils and soils for easy removal by extraction or towel absorbtion. This is the best solution for situations where water based chemicals aren't an option. Extract with Furniture and Drapery Compound for excellent results.

This special formulation of solvents is designed to dissolve and emulsify oils and soils for dry clean only upholstery, drapery and specialty fabrics such as wall coverings, etc. (Can also be used prior to wet cleaning on water safe fabrics.) 

When used as part of a dry cleaning process, rinse with Furniture and Drapery Compound through a solvent safe extractor or by hand for excellent results. 

This solvent product always test for dye and fabric stability before use. Also check for effect on stabilized backings as this product can soften and dissolve some materials.

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