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Non Ionic Detergent


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It literally clean any surfaces from any kind of hydrocarbon derivative dirt, stain such us Oil, Grease, proteins, lipids, sugar stains. Its Complex formulation makes It extremely effective for a broad spectrum of industrial and institutional applications, such as bakeries, bottling plants, breweries,boats, printing plants, public buildings, park dept,dockyards, food plants, vessels bilge's, deck engine rooms, and machine shops etc


Environmentally safe bio degradable, non volatile, water based non corrosive, non hazardous safe green cleaning chemicals.


This chemical can be used on any surfaces, such as painted metal surfaces, Aluminums, rubber, Plastic, Vinyl, Fiber Glass, and Glass and even on the Fabric. 


PENETRATES and LOOSENS Dirt, Grime and Grease-Easily Removed by Wiping or Rinsing

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