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pH Booster Morpholine Base

RXSOL pH Boosters are morpholine based alkaline formulation,used as alkalinity source for boiler feed water. It is synergized with properties of pH boosting and water conditioning.

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RXSOL pH Boosters are liquid  alkaline formulation,used as alkalinity source for boiler feed water. It is synergized with properties of pH boosting and water conditioning.

Morpholine have unique pH adjusting qualities and uses and distribution throughout the steam plant helps to protect from corrosion. Morpholine is often used in conjunction with low concentrations of hydrazine or ammonia to provide a comprehensive all-volatile treatment chemistry for corrosion protection for the steam systems of such plants. Morpholine decomposes reasonably slowly in the absence of oxygen at the high temperatures and pressures in these steam systems.

Boiler water pH booster or alkalinity builder is a multipurpose Boiler Water Treatment Chemical that increases the alkalinity and pH of boiler water for corrosion inhibition and also aids in removal of sludge or boiler deposits and prevention of scaling in boiler tubes. Normally the Boiler feed water pH should be at 9.5-10 for avoiding boiler tubes corrosion or rusting due to acidic attack.

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