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Portable Toilet Deodurising Chemical

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Portable Toilet Deodurising Chemical

Toilet deodorizer for portable restroom tank. RXSOL restroom deodorizer is a highly concentrate odors control chemicals which is free from formaldehyde containing element. Its multi unction mechanism acts cleaner, deodorizer as well as helps to disintigreate waste materials.

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Toilet deodorizer for portable restroom tank. RXSOL restroom deodorizer  is  a  highly  concentrate odors control Blue / Green Chemicals which is free from formaldehyde containing element. Its multi unction mechanism acts cleaner, deodorizer as well as helps to disintigreate waste materials. This product also can be use as a Biological Toilet Cleaner or  general degreasing. It contains wetting a unique biologically active liquid.  biodegradable  and its anti foam agents helps to use with any additional detergent system.

Our products are free from completely formaldehyde so are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. 

Portable toilet chemical Pre-mixed, Eco-friendly, Non-Formaldehyde formulas

An odor control agent for portable toilets. The perfect solution when you need axtra odor protection and ideal for HOT Weather, high-traffic conditions and special events. 

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