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Safe Acid Descalex Liquid 25 Ltr

This descaler specifically formulated and developed to rapidly clean mineral scale from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment. It improves Plant Efficiency, Lowers Cost, Conserves Energy, Decreases Down-Time.

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Scales are very damaging to the boiler because they interfere with the heat transfer and can lead to overheating and eventually, boiler rupture , To increas usable life of cleaned equipment , it is safe and effective way to remove scale deposits from all types of water-cooled and water-heated equipment. This descaler specifically formulated and developed to rapidly clean mineral scale from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment. It improves Plant Efficiency, Lowers Cost, Conserves Energy, Decreases Down-Time.

Specifically formulated to remove rust and water scale build up from boiler evaporators, heat exchangers, cooling systems, pipeline collection system etc. Highly effective on heating. Safe and easy handling and storage . Fast and effctive scale remover .

–   Non-combustible
–   Smoke from fires is irritating
–   Not flammable. In case of fire use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding conditions
–   Prevent run off water from entering drains if possible
It does not contain toxic cresols or other tar oils that Require SARA Title III, Section 313 spill loss or disposal.

Do not use concentrated 1008 on aluminium surfaces

Uniqueness of RXSOL-54-1048-025 :: —
RXSOL-54-1048-020  Descaler has the ability to dissolve approximately 1.5kg of calcium carbonate scale per gallon in concentrated form. It does not need to be heated up during cleaning. The uniqueness of this Descaler allows you to clean some equipment while still in operation utilizing a minimum of your own personnel.

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