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Product for  

Sea Cleaner Plus 25 Ltrs

Specially formulated for cleaning of double bottom, deep and wing tanks etc, used for fuel oils. Also for local cleaning and degreasing of deck and engine rooms, Oil installations, workshops, plant yards, industrial plants as degreaser and cleaner

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Seaclean Manufacturer, supplier and Exporter. Specially formulated for cleaning of double bottom, deep and wing tanks etc, used for fuel oils. It can also be used for local cleaning and degreasing of deck and engine rooms.  Its strong emulsifying nature completely makes fuel oils miscible with water due to that It's application field increases as strong cleaner for BOILERS , MARINE DIESEL ENGINE COOLING WATER SYSTEM  and for local cleaning and degreasing of engine rooms  on deck. This product is also popular used on oil installations, workshops, plant yards, industrial plants as degreaser and cleaner.

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