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Sediment Mud Silt Poly electro Dispersant

Its polymerisation dual effect mechanism help to prevent hard deposition of mud layer on metal surface as well as keeps mud particle in loose condition which causes more labour to clean .

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It is a odourless pale yellow POLMERISED viscous liquid for Removal of sediments, silt and mud. Its polymerisation dual effect mechanism help to prevent hard deposition of mud layer on metal surface as well as keeps mud particle in loose condition which causes more labour to clean . APPLICATION : POLYELECTROLYTE conditioner is highly economical , non toxic , non polluting chemical its lower concentration effectivenes with water keeps it in very ECONOMICAL GRADE materials class. 

•Proven cost effective
•Concentrated formula
•Very low usage rates as 5 ppm
•Safe, aqueous product
•Dosing equipment available

COMMON NAME : MUD & SILT DISPERSANT ( CLEANER ) , Reduces unwanted mud load form tanks.

PACKAGING : 25 ltrs, 210 ltrs

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