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Sodium Chlorite Solution
Sodium Chlorite Solution-2

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Sodium Chlorite Solution

Sodium Chlorite

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Product Name

Sodium Chlorite Solution 25%

Part Number


Company Details:
105, A wing , BSEL , TECH PARK.


+91 22 65113333/ 5555 / 9999


+91 22 2781 1318/ AOH :0091 9821214367




Chemical Name


% Range

Sodium Chloorite



Non Hazardous Ingrident



Synonym (s) : Chlorous acid and sodium salt

Inhalation : Inhalation of vapors or mists may cause irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, bloody nose, and sneezing. Severe overexposure may cause lung damage.

Skin Contact : Absorption Direct contact may cause irritation and/or burns with symptoms of redness, itching, swelling, and possible burns and blistering due to being a corrosive material.

Eye Contact : Direct contact may cause irritation and/or burns with symptoms of redness, itching, swelling and possible destruction of tissue.

Ingestion : Ingestion may cause gastroenteritis with any or all of the following

symptoms: nausea, vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, bleeding, or ulceration.Acute ingestion of large quantities may also cause anemia due to the oxidizing effects of the chemical.

Exposure Limits : None established for sodium chlorite. However, under exposure to acids, organic materials, reducing agents or chlorine donors chlorine dioxide is released.Exposure limits for chlorine dioxide are:















 Inhalation : Remove victim to fresh air. Give artificial respiration only if breathing hasstopped. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek immediate medical attention.

Skin Contact : Absorption Remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected area with soap and water for at least 5 minutes or until chemical is removed. If irritation persists , repeat flushing and seek medical attention.

Eye Contact : Do not rub eyes, and flush immediately with water for at least 20 minutes. Forcibly hold eyelids apart to ensure complete irrigation of eye tissue. Seek immediate medical attention.

Ingestion: Do not give anything by mouth if the person is unconscious or having seizures. Do not induce vomiting. Drink large quantities of water if able to swallow. If milk is available follow the water with milk. Seek immediate medical attention.

Additional Information : Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Conditions of Flammability : Product does not burn in solution form, however it may increase flammability of combustible, organic or other oxidizing materials due to it being a strong oxidizing chemical.

Means of Extinction : Extinguish fire using agent suitable for surrounding fire.

Flash Point : Not Applicable

Auto-ignition Temperature :  Not Applicable

Upper Flammable Limit : Not Applicable

Lower Flammable Limit : Not Applicable

Hazardous Combustible Products : If product is allowed to dry, heat or friction can easily ignite this product. Do not allow this product to dry on cloth or clothing. Oxidation can cause a fire hazard.

Special Fire Fighting Procedures :  Wear NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.

Explosion Hazards : Contact with acids, organic materials, reducing agents or chlorine donors will produce chlorine dioxide gas and heat. The lower explosive limit for chlorine dioxide is 10%. Flush area with large amounts of air to keep the chlorine dioxide concentration below 10%.

Leak / Spill :  Evacuation procedures must be placed into effect. Evacuate all nonessential personnel. Hazardous concentrations in air may be found in local spill area and immediately downwind. Utilize emergency response personal protective equipment prior to the start of any response. This product may represent an explosion hazard, in the form of explosive chlorine dioxide gas if it contacts acid or chlorine. Remove all sources of ignition, such as flames, hot glowing surfaces or electric arcs. Stop source of spill as soon as possible and notify appropriate personnel.Notify all downstream water users of possible contamination. Create a dike or trench to contain all liquid material. Spill materials may be absorbed using clay, soil or non-flammable commercial absorbents. Flush spill area with large amounts of water. If allowed to dry, dried material can ignite in contact with combustible materials so do not allow spills to dry up. Do not place spill materials back in their original container. Containerize and label all spill materials properly.

Deactivating Materials : Small spills that have been diluted with water can be neutralized withsodium sulphite or sodium bisulphite solutions. 

Handling Procedures : Use proper equipment for lifting and transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and housekeeping practices. Wash thoroughly,after handling. Avoid all situations that could lead to harmful exposure.

Storage Requirements :  Do not expose to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light. Protect product from freezing. Avoid contact with incompatible materials. Store in a cool, dry location in closed containers.

Protective Equipment

Eyes : Chemical goggles, full-face shield, or a full-face respirator is to be worn at all times when product is handled. Contact lenses should not be worn; they may contribute to severe eye injury.

Respiratory : Wear a NIOSH approved respiratory protection as appropriate for sodium chlorite solution. Full face piece respirator with chlorine dioxide appropriate cartridges (nonoxidizable), supplied air respirators, or self-contained breathing apparatus.may also be worn as chlorine dioxide gas can be released if sodium chlorite solution comes in contact with incompatible materials.

Glove : Impervious gloves of chemically resistant material (butyl rubber or neoprene) should be worn at all times. Wash contaminated clothing and dry thoroughly before reuse.

Clothing : Body suits, aprons, and/or coveralls of chemical resistant material should be worn at all times. Wash contaminated clothing and dry thoroughly before reuse.

Footwear : Impervious boots of chemically resistant material should be worn at all times.

Engineering Controls

Ventilation Requirements:  Mechanical ventilation (dilution or local exhaust), process or personnel enclosure and control of process conditions should be provided. Supply sufficient replacement air to make up for air removed by exhaust systems.

Other : Keep an eye wash fountain and safety shower available and in close proximity to work area.

Physical State

Clear Liquid  to slightly yellow or green liquid,

Odor and Appearance

Slight chlorine odor

Odor Threshold

Not Available

Specific Gravity (Water=1)

1.20-1.23 at 20oC

Vapor Pressure (mm Hg, 20oC)


Vapor Density (Air=1)

Not Available

Evaporation Rate

Not Available

Boiling Point


Freeze/Melting Point




Water/Oil Distribution Coefficient

Log P(oct) = -7.18

% Volatiles by Volume

Not Available

Solubility in Water

Completely miscible

Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight



Stability : Stable

Incompatibility :  Acids, reducing agents, combustible materials, oxidizers (such as hypochlorites), sulfur-containing rubber, dirt, soap, solvents, paints.

Hazardous Products of Decomposition : Explosive and toxic chlorine dioxide gas will be generated on contact with acids or other incompatible materials.

Polymerization :  Will not occur.

 Irritancy : Irritant to the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, bloody nose, and sneezing. Severe overexposure may cause lung damage.

Sensitization : Not available

Chronic/Acute Effects : The chronic ingestion of low concentrations of this product has been studied in laboratory animals. Concentrations in the drinking water of 100ppm and higher have been shown to cause mild anemia and a minor suppression of thyroid functions in laboratory animals. All effects were reversible after cessation of treatment.

Clinical studies of communities using sodium chlorite, as a disinfectant found no adverse effects in the human population studied. However, other studies have suggested that those individuals deficient in an enzyme (G6PD) utilized in hemoglobin synthesis might be susceptible to the development of anemia if exposed repeatedly.

Repeated exposures to solutions of chlorine dioxide at concentrations of 10-100ppm have produced slight effects upon the thyroid in younger animals and the hematologic system. Exposures to these concentrations can reduce the cellular and blood levels of glutathione, an agent which is protective against the oxidizing effect of this chemical. Exposures of laboratory animals above 100ppm in the drinking water have shown a decrease in blood cell glutathione, red blood cell count and hemoglobin. In some studies these levels also caused a slight decrease in thyroid hormones, especially in younger animals.

Synergistic Materials :  Not available

Animal Toxicity Data :  LD50(Oral, Rat): 165mg/kg (sodium chlorite)LD50(Oral, Rat): 292mg/kg (chlorine dioxide)

Carcinogenicity : Sodium chlorite is not listed by NTP, IARC, OSHA, EPA or any other authority as a carcinogen.

Reproductive Toxicity : Hematological effects and reduced body weight gains were observed in some treatment groups.

Teratogenicity :. Sodium chlorite has not been found to be teratogenic in studies in which animals have been exposed up to 100ppm in the drinking water. Male rats repeatedly exposed to concentrations of 100ppm or greater in the drinking water have shown slight effects on sperm motility. No effects were observed at 10 ppm and no effects were observed on fertility rate, histology of the male reproductive system or conception rate of animals exposed at 10 ppm or higher.

Mutagenicity : Sodium chlorite has been evaluated for possible mutagenic effects in several laboratory tests. Sodium chlorite  tested positive in the mouse micronucleus assay when administered intraperitoneally (directly into the body cavity), but was not mutagenic when administered orally. The significance of these tests results for human health is unclear because the oxidizing effects of the chlorite or salting effects of sodium may significantly affect the ability of the tests to accurately detect mutagens.

Fish Toxicity : TL50 (48 hours, Daphnia Magna): 0.29mg/L

Biodegradability : Sodium chlorite in water will eventually degrade to sodium chloride. Sodium chlorite in contact with acidic soil could produce chlorine dioxide.

Environmental Effects : This product is toxic to fish and aquatic organisms. Do not discharge effluent containing this product into bodies of water unless in accordance with federal and/or provincial law.


 Waste Disposal :  Dispose in accordance with all federal, and local regulations .




Packing group






Hazard ID



Proper Shipping Name





Packing group






Marine pollutant 



EmS Code 


F-A S-B.



Packing group






Subsidiary risk


Packing Instruction 



Maximum quantity 


30 L (Cargo)

 WHMIS Classification : D1, E

Labelling The product is classified in accordance with 67/548/EEC.

Symbols : 
Xn – Harmful
Risk phrases R22 – Harmful if swallowed.
R41 – Risk of serious damage to eyes.
Safety phrases S26 – In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
S39 – Wear eye/face protection.

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Rx Marine International be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Rx Marine International has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 

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